Diary for evening of 12th May 2005

6.00pm - The Pulse Cafe Bar (vegetarian), The Old Fire Station Stables, Labour in Vain Yard, Guildhall Hill, Norwich
  • Assiette of grilled fennel, chicory, white beans and gruyere cheese with white truffle oil
  • Parmiggiana di melenzane topped with rocket salad
  • AOC Bergerac Sec Les Charmes 2003

Medieval Music Room in the King of Hearts with Alan Gotto harpsichord

7.30pm - A harpsichord recital by Carole Cerasi in the Music Room in the Tudor Mansion which is now the King of Heart's arts venue. This intimate performing space is a medieval room seating just seventy five. It has a beamed ceiling and oak floor which provide ideal acoustics for chamber and early music. It houses a Steinway piano, but the real gem is the resident double manual harpsichord by local maker Alan Gotto. For tonight's recital this superb instrument has been usurped by another of even greater beauty and depth of tone from the same maker. Charles Hoste has kindly loaned from his collection Alan Gotto's reproduction of a French instrument made in Lyons in 1711/16 by Pierre Donzelague. The lid painting is by Angie Maddigan, after a Ruckers instrument in the Russel Collection, Edinburgh.

Carole Cerasi plays:

  • Pastorela no. 6 en mi mineur Manuel Blasco de Nebra (1750-1784)
  • Huitieme Ordre en si mineur Francois Couperin (1668-1732)
  • La Boullongne, La Malesherbe, La Lugeac Claude Benigne Balbastre (1727-1799)
  • English Suite no. 4 in F major BWV809 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
  • Sonata K.123 in D minor Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757)
  • Sonata R.15 in D minor Padre Antonio Scoler (1729-1799)
  • Sonata in D major Mateo Perez de Albeniz (1760-1831)

9.40pm - The Pulse Cafe Bar

  • Grilled bananas with toasted pistachios
  • Cava Brut Rosat Pinot Noir

10.15pm - St Peter Mancroft church for a violin recital by Alexander Balanescu

  • Sonata No. 2 in A minor, BWV 1003 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
  • Partita No. 3 in E, BWV 1006

(Note from Pliable: I'm not trying to impress everyone with my refined gastronomic tastes. As everyone else seems to be listing the CD's they are listening to, or the books they are reading, I just thought I'd start a new trend by listing the meal that accompanied the concert. Anyway the bill (with wine) for the excellent meal at The Pulse came to well under £20 a head, and I couldn't resist a post that included the address Labour in Vain Yard. I will be developing the theme of music and food. Look out for a post soon including the famous episode of Sir Peter Maxwell Davies, and his home-made (and illegal) swan terrine , which also allows me to link to one of several Max posts A musician with teeth) .

Mullioned window at the King of Hearts, Norwich

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Pliable said…
I forgot to put in this post a comment about the sound of the harpsichord in the relatively small music room in the King of Hearts. Many newcomers to Early Music complain of the 'thin' or 'tinny' sound of the harpsichord. This is emphasised if the instrument is recorded in resonant acoustics. The harpsichord is an intimate instrument that needs relatively dry acoustics. In the King of Hearts the magnificent Gotto instrument sounded with a really powerful bass. A real contrast to the 'jangly' sound of many harpsichord CD's.
Pliable said…
There is a nice piece by Greg Stepanich of the sunny Palm Beach Post in response to my post.

Thanks Greg. This was one of my pieces of writing I had a nice feeling about - but no one other than you seemed to share that view!

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