

Went to the Anglican shrine at Walsingham in Norfolk to view David Begbie's immensely powerful Crucifixion (see image below) which has been installed in the Barn Chapel.

Visiting this great pilgrimage centre ("England's Nazareth") made me think how in France the ancient pilgrim path to Santiago is called the chemin, in Spanish the camino. Both terms have a double meaning: the physical route on the ground through the mountains and across the plains, and the reflective internal journey the pilgrim makes in his mind as he travels.

For another take on pilgrimage visit the Monteverdi Choir's web site to read a fascinating account of their musical pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella. Or even better contact them to order a copy of their superb CD Santiago a Cappella. which shamefully doesn't seem to have any trade distribution, but you can (and should) buy it direct from the Monteverdi Choir's London office (details from their web site).


Journey and home are indivisible. We are not by nature, by evolution and genetic inheritance rooted dwellings in a single place. We are instinctive nomads. We have an urge to roam - it takes us out on the roads. That's where, even if the roads are unmarked we belong.

Paraphrase of Laurens van der Post (who somewhat amazingly doesn't seem to have an entry in Wikipedia , whereas Kylie Minogue has a huge entry including a complete singles discography, although there is a good entry for Santiago de Compostela)

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Anonymous said…
I have to say that I am really enjoying your weblog. The boy sculpture looks absolutely amazing. Have also listened to the samples from the Santiago a Cappella CD which sound sublime. Although a secular household we have recently started buying a fair bit of sacred music so I shall put this one on the Christmas list!

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