Smile why it has been


Saw the black gospel group GK Real live last night - very good. The excellent lead singer said the Lord is claiming music back - reminded me of how both today's pop and classical music are built on the platform of religous performances.

Servant and Master am I:
Servant of the dead
And master of the living.
Through my spirit the immortals speak the message
That make the world weep and laugh,
And wonder and worship.For I am the instrument of God:
I am music.

This thread leads me to a wonderful recording of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi's Five Part Mass that I bought in France recently on the K617 label.


Nick Drake has featured in several recent postings, and by another of those fascinating pieces of synchronicity Pergolesi and Nick Drake both died at the shockingly young age of 26, albeit nearly 250 years apart. The pictures at the beginning and end of this post show some haunting similarities despite their totally different musical genres.

The purpose of this posting is not to dwell on their passing at such a young age. It is rather to celebrate the extraordinary riches that both Giovanni Pergolesi and Nick Drake left behind after relatively brief lives with the thought...

Don't cry why it is over
Smile why it has been

If you do not know their music follow the Overgrown Path to some real riches.

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