The perfect thread
Here is an example of what On An Overgrown Path is all about. Bought the new Brad Mehldau solo CD Live in Tokyo , and very good it is too.
Two of the tracks are improvisations on tunes by Nick Drake - who is Nick Drake I asked?A brilliant English song writer and folk/rock singer who sadly died at an early age in 1974 leaving behind just three albums.
In a neat piece of synchronicity a 'Greatest Hits' type compilation called Treasury has just been released, but grab hold of Pink Moon if you can, it is one of the more wonderful destinations that this overgrown path will lead you to.
Two of the tracks are improvisations on tunes by Nick Drake - who is Nick Drake I asked?A brilliant English song writer and folk/rock singer who sadly died at an early age in 1974 leaving behind just three albums.
In a neat piece of synchronicity a 'Greatest Hits' type compilation called Treasury has just been released, but grab hold of Pink Moon if you can, it is one of the more wonderful destinations that this overgrown path will lead you to.