Another Philippa Schuyler moment?

Can anyone explain why my Philippa Schuyler posts are currently receiving a large number of visitors? Most of them are coming from the States via search engines, and there is no one link sending the traffic over. That is Philippa above, John McLaughlin Williams' seminal Philippa Schuyler moment is here.

Also on Facebook and Twitter. Report broken links, missing images and errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk


Pliable said…
Looking at the current traffic quite a few of the searches are for images of Philippa Schuyler.
Lisa Hirsch said…
I can explain it: Surely because of the NY Times obit for Abram Wilson, who had been performing a jazz suite based on her life.
Pliable said…
Lisa, yes, that is it. Pleasing that Abram is getting the recognition he deserves, albeit posthumously, in the New York Times. And thanks for clearing up the mystery.
Lisa Hirsch said…
You're welcome, and thank YOU for the postings on her.
JMW said…
Is there video or audio available of Abram's Schuyler piece?

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