Whatever happened to the future of classical music?

Norman Lebrecht praised the Universal Music backed Bristol Proms rhapsodising that "It's very exciting, and I see some considerable evolution", Jessica Duchen enthused how the "Bristol Proms bring classical music into the 21st-century", Valentina Lisitsa presided over an interactive Bristol Prom complete with live projected blog, tweets, and Instagram pictures - see photo above - while a gushing Guardian headline explained "Why it's do-or-die for classical music at the Bristol Proms". So I eagerly searched for details of the 2016 Bristol Proms and drew a blank. Have I got it wrong, or have the Bristol Proms gone the way of that other game changer Sinfini Music? If they have we need to know why. So could one of Universal Music's favourite journalists now please break radio silence and explain what has happened to the future of classical music.

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