Kitten on the harpsichord keys

In May 2013 I wrote the following in a post composed while travelling in Languedoc:
The cat seen above lives in the house in Assas that was the home of the legendary harpsichordist Scott Ross from 1984 until he died of an Aids related illness five years later. I took the photo a few days ago on the front porch of the little house in Languedoc, and it may be more than just charming image, as Scott Ross’ biographer Michel Proulx tells us that the harpsichord master adopted a black and white female cat while living at Assas. So could we be looking at a hitherto unknown member of a great music lineage?
Since writing that post I have found the archive photo below of Scott Ross in front of his house in Assas taken in the late 1980s. When viewed with the photo above, it seems to confirm that a great harpsichord lineage lives on in Languedoc in feline form. Scott Ross' account of Scarlatti's Harpsichord Sonatas plays as I write. If you only buy thirty-four CDs this year - buy these .....

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Unknown said…
Max known life span of cat - 25-28 years.

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