Stormy weather forecast for Britten anniversary

Stormy weather approaches from the Guardian.

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Philip Amos said…
Well, as these things go, or as they may come, given that we are only at the start of this, that article was far better than I was braced for, mayhap not least because the author had the wisdom to consult your writings on the issue, Bob.

This is patently tangential, but I have just to observe that as a piece of music journalism it was vastly best than that ludicrous tosh about "Jennens' Messiah" in the Telegraph yesterday. Mind you, I think there was a crossover there with another current topic, for I suspect the PR/Promotions dunderheads at the Handel Museum were behind it. And a right embarrassing hash they made of it.
mahlerman said…
Hmm...a useful and entirely deserved nod toward Overgrown Bob, but I feel that any piece that takes a post-Savillian view of Britten's sexuality is rather overstressing the facts that most of us know; when the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. And anyway, what is that loathsome kiddy-fiddler doing on the same page as perhaps the greatest British composer since Purcell?

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