Reformation symphony

An email arrives inviting me "to take a look" - ie angling for a link - at a new classical music website that is "funded by Universal Music, but editorially independent from them". As these angling emails usually do, it cites one of my posts which the sender found "especially enjoyable". A couple of minutes research tells me that the writer of the email, who is chief honcho of the new site, was editor of the now defunct Classic FM Magazine for ten years. The "especially enjoyable" post is titled 'Is dumbing up classical music's next big thing?'

Also on Facebook and Twitter. Photo taken in Portbou, Spain is (c) On An Overgrown Path 2012. Report broken links, missing images and errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk


Tim said…
i love this picture! do you know who or what is depicted?
Pliable said…
Tim, I believe that the mural was part of a series created for the second Festival Surpas in 2010, a festival of free and popular culture that celebrated its own funeral in June 2011 after reaching what it terms "a cultural impasse" with Spanish cultural policies. Do read more here -

Watch out for another post about Portbou, where I took the photo, shortly. Amazing where posts about Classic FM lead...
JMW said…
You must feel like a king when such luminaries hit on you for exposure! And all this time I thought blogs didn't matter!
Pliable said…
John, remember what Lebrecht famously wrote - blogs won't matter until they start focusing on the facts.

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