Instant music gratification

Instant music, film and TV programme gratification.
You’re in a coffee shop and you hear a song you just have to have. Or you’re in an airport wishing you had a good film to watch. With Wi-Fi access and one tap of the iTunes icon, you can discover new music, films to buy or rent, TV programmes, and podcasts. Then download it all wirelessly, right to your iPad. Wherever you happen to be.
Audiophile porn is from October 1974 Hi - Fi News & Record Review magazine. Text quote is from the website of the newly launched iPad. Sound quality may not have improved but the cost of music storage has certainly come down. That 'affordable' Revox reel-to-reel tape recorder sold for £649 ($998, €744) in 1974. When adjusted to current values that £749 would probably buy Abbey Road Studios, or even EMI, today. Talking of which, see Abbey Road's state of the art recording technology here. In the age of instant music gratification does the sound matter anymore?

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Pliable said…
Email received:

I still have my ReVox B-77. Good times…


David Cavlovic
Pliable said…
Just think David, it is probably worth more than Abbey Road Studios.
yes, however, is not the cost also prohibitive for a good system ?I would love Bang and Olfuson system, however, I have to settle for much less.I reckon if I sold my cd collection, i could buy a great set,which,alas,would seem ironic[and moronic].Perhaps you have some recommendations ?I would love to hear them
as al

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