Stockhausen in Miles mode

Email received - 'You've probably seen this in today's Guardian, but in case you haven't Stockhausen's son (photo above) in Miles mode sounds interesting, especially considering his father's influence on On the Corner. By the way, greatly in your debt re: Raphaël Imbert's excellent Bach-Coltrane album; jazz needs more records like this rather than the same, old, tired takes on hard-bop/post-bop/songbooks that were done better (and were much more sincere) 25-50 years ago. Speaking of jazz, have you ever checked out NYC's WKCR-FM 89.9? If you like Charlie Parker, Phill Schapp's Bird Flight program should not be missed: (And their classical department is quite good, too-- they play whole albums regularly!) Apologies if this is old news to you. Keep up the good work; thanks for sharing your sophisticated ears. Regards, Tim.'

Thanks for that Tim. Markus Stockhausen also appeared on the path recently in some other interesting company.
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Unknown said…
Talk about interesting company making intriguing music together: Stockhausen is also with Bill Laswell (who’s connected to Miles, too) on Mark Nauseef’s “No Matter” (Metastation), a new record involving “meditation bells and gongs from Japan, India, China and Tibet, where these instruments are often used to stun the mind and capture awareness in meditation, create the matrix from which this music has developed.” Wow!

( on news and/or Mark’s biography).

Gotta say, OAOP has really opened up my ears, making me a citizen of the world. Thanks!
Pliable said…
Email received:

Re, Furterinteresting Stockhausen

On Accanta, Stockhausen conducting a Mozart Flute Concerto and Haydn's Trumpet Concerto. The soloists are no surprise, and the cadenzas are by Stockhausen!


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