Hip hop's debt to classical music

"An interesting, possibly even dirty, little secret about hip hop is how often its producers turn to classical music when they’re trying to make whatever joker they’re producing sound, at least momentarily, like a god. From solemn East Coast legends like Nas to party MCs like Ludacris (before his disastrous Grammy makeover), plenty of rappers have skimmed grandeur off of classical music; what follows are just a few examples of this odd meeting point between two disparate art forms" - writes Jayson Greene in Stylus Magazine, and then goes on to identify the top ten classical music samples in hip hop.
Now read the unlikely story of Malcolm Arnold and the rock idols.
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Posted 07/22/2007 - 12:53:05 PM by GanjaLand:
groshitsky..if u don't like it then why do you bother here? I happened to like this. Not too many reviewers today have the knowledge or the balls to get into this topic. These artists are partially bridging the gap between yesterday's music and today's. They bring something to the kids that they often never hear of otherwise. Guys like Mozart and Beethoven, they were the big acts of their day and weren't too different in terms of pop-star popularity as the Nas and Ludacris of today. I could just imagine the headlines if they had tv and paparazzi back then.."Beethoven gets drunk at the pub and crashes his carriage, pg 3 for pictures." haha, anyway, our music of today owes much homage to these guys, they set up the fundamentals of good pop music that has had major influence, and still stands up on its own today. You think rap producers are mixmaster gods? Imagine writing hour long symphonies and orchestrating 100s of musicians into something completely unheard of.
Have been enjoying your blog here in Canada for quite a while.
If you check the listing in that article for Young Buck - Say It to My Face you will notice that the author confuses the Mozart Requiem with the opening chords of Don Giovanni used in Forman's Amadeus.
Cheers from the colonies ;
David Cavlovic
Young kids today and their lack of ability with Google! :-)