Michel Petrucciani

Improvisation is a recurring thread on An Overgrown Path. Keith Jarrett is already well woven into the postings, and the colossus of Bill Evans(whose influence reaches as far as Gyorgy Ligeti) awaits. But today it is the turn of jazz pianist Michel Petrucciani.
First, let's get the obvious out of the way. Osteogenesis Imperfecta, the so-called "glass bones" disease meant that Michel Petrucciani grew to just three feet tall, weighed a mere fifty pounds, and was left fatally vulnerable to illness, resulting in his death in 1999 at the age of just thirty seven.
He made his impact before making allowances for those with disabilities quite rightly became the norm.But Michel Petrucciani needed no compromises, he was a giant of the keyboard in everything except stature. He was born in the land of the Gods, provence, to a French mother and Sicilain jazz pianist fatehr. Like Bill Evans and Keith Jarrett, who he is often compared to, Petrucciani had a classical training, and his love for Debussy shines through his solo recordings. But his genius was for jazz, and this took him first to Paris, then to the states where his collabaration with saxophonist Charles Lloyd led to international stardom which lasted until his untimely death.
Fortunately Petrucciani left a legacy of inspired recordings. Of the trio work Live at the Village Vanguard (Blue Note 2435-38329), Kool Jazz Festival (Blue Note 2435-38329), and Trio in Tokyo (Blue Note 36605-9) are stand-outs, while the double CD of trio and solo work The Owl Years (Owl 548 288) gives a valuable overview including a three and a half minute video clip.

'Must have' solo recordings are Solo (Dreyfus 36597). Au Theatre Des Champs-Elysees (Dreyfus 36570), and a personal favourite Oracle's Destiny (OWL032).

He packed more into thirty seven years than most of us will achieve in a full lifetime. Through his recordings he will endure as an example of what can be done.
People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in the world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them.
Mrs Warren's Profession by George Bernard Shaw

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If you enjoyed this post take An Overgrown Path to Journey with Jack Reilly
I have all the stuff you mention here
There are two Petrucciani DVDs available in France.
Power of Three
Michel Petrucciani Jim Hall Wayne Shorter
DVD Zone 2 ; scène ; 03/2005
The Manhattan project - Concert enregistré en 1989 au Chelsea Studio à NYC
Wayne Shorter Stanley Clarke Michel Petrucciani Lenny White
DVD Zone 2 ; scène ; 03/2005
Both are available from FNAC who I have used without problems, but watch the zones.
Follow this link - http://www3.fnac.com/search/quick.do?text=michel+petrucciani&category=-3&SID=7dd06ac7-57ff-3668-a421-19352202d6a8&UID=09a639d61-5056-2e8f-5be4-1a13bd99cbc0&AID=&Origin=FnacAff&OrderInSession=1&TTL=260220061623&bl=rera
Hope this helps,