BBC - fifty ways to leave your listener

I spend little time tuned in to the BBC these days for obvious reasons. But regular readers who do still tune in tell me things aren't getting any better, in fact they are getting worse.

At least in the past the mistakes were made with style.
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Antoine Leboyer said…
I was not aware that you are Simon and Garfunkel fan ?
Pliable said…
Antoine, I have many hidden secrets (or are they vices?)

But it's an interesting point you raise. If you type "Simon and Garfunkel" into the Overgrown Path search engine it returns ZERO hits! Must be the only subject I've never written about ...

And before anyone writes in. I know Fifty Ways to Leave Your Lover is not S & G, it is from Paul Simon's 1975 solo album Still Crazy After All Those Years.

Which is kind of appropriate. And Antoine, thanks for steering the thread away from the BBC.

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