Contemporary composers must never be bored

Hi,I really enjoyed discovering your blog through your mention of our CD "Touch - don't touch", to which I (Moritz Eggert) also contributed a piece. Just now I sit in one of the most boring surroundings imagineable, a panel meeting of the Deutsche Komponistenverband, and reading your wonderfully educated and extremely enlightening blog was a wonderful reprieve of this boredom. Many thanks, and a good day, Moritz Eggert (photo above, and follow that link to a website well worth visiting).

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Pliable said…
Another email received:

Hi Pliable, thank you! - Right now I start working with Christoph Schlingensief , who recently made the news in England with his performance about Princess Diana's death, it will be an opera for Bonn inspired by Tod Browning's "Freaks", this should certainly be interesting :-)
All the best,
Moritz Eggert

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