Your vote for early music counts - today!

Early music ensemble Tonus Peregrinus' recording for Naxos of Sacred Choral Music from Notre-Dame Cathedral is the only early music disc shortlisted for a BBC Music Magazine Award.

On An Overgrown Path gave a five star review to this superb disc, and ran Raindrops are falling on my chant as a follow-up story.

Online voting for the awards ends TODAY. No registration is required, no fuss - just two clicks to help give this wonderful disc, and early choral music, the recognition it deserves. Anyone, anywhere in the world, can vote.

If you do nothing else today CLICK HERE.

And if you need any more persuading here is the opening of Perotin's Beata viscera (monophonic conductus) sung by Tonus Peregrinus - one and a half minutes of the most beautiful sounds that you will hear for a long time -

Report broken links, missing images and other errors to - overgrownpath at hotmail dot co dot uk
If you enjoyed this post take An Overgrown Path to Masses of early music on iPods, or even better Vote


Cap said…
enjoyed the blog will vote when i have time take care
Hucbald said…
Arg. I'm sure I cast at least two uninformed votes in the categories of opera and symphonic, as I wasn't familiar with all of the nominees.
Pliable said…
No sweat Hucbald - it's the thought that counts!

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