Iggily buff

'Iggily buff' by Vanessa Pooley, bronze 16" long. Do visit the artist's website and blog.

I don't write about women composers or women artists, just as I don't write about men composers or men artists. But this is the first in a sequence of three posts featuring very interesting artists and composers, and by a coincidence they are all women.

Now read how the eternal feminine follows the musical path
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Pliable said…
Regular reader Bernard Tuyttens writes:

OK, people happen to be equal. For instance men & women.

However there aren't that much female composers. " New brand".

I know that there's a series of interesting texts explaining the - let's say - cleavage. Men have been much more productive in composing. The number of Mothers of invention is much smaller than the Fathers.

Performing, that's quite a different story.

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