Arman - artist in anger

The French painter and sculptor Arman started creating artworks from household waste in the early 60's. He went on to develop his series Colères (anger) which deconstructed objects of beauty, particularly musical instruments (right). He went on to apply the same techniques to iconic sculptures including the Venus de Milo and Hercule Farnèse. There are parallels with the music of Luciano Berio from the 60's, in particular his Sinfonia which deconstructs the third movement of Mahler's Second Symphony in similar fashion.

Arman's best known works are the 18m high pile of 59 cars Long Term Parking in Jouy-en-Josas, France, and Hope for Peace using wrecked military vehicles in Beirut's Martyrs' Square.

Arman, born Nice 17th November 1928, died New York 22nd October 2005.

For Arman web site follow this link
Image of NY Concerto by Arman -
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Art works


Cartographika said…
There's some interesting bits about Arman's art here:

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