You saw it here first.....

It is good to see that Janet Cardiff's performance installation Forty Part Motet which I wrote about back in May when it was here at the Norwich and Norfolk Festival (photo right), is now playing at the revamped New York Museum of Modern Art.

The installation uses a specially commissioned recording of Tallis' Forty Part Motet Spem in Alium with forty discrete audio channels (via DAT) for each of the voices. Forty B&W DM303 speakers are located around the periphery, grouped in eight blocks of five reflecting the five SATB voice groupings in Tallis' score.

See this link to my original post which has a lot more information and photos, and follow this one for fellow blogger Jericho's story and photo of the MOMA installation.

Photo credit - Taken by my son on his mobile phone!

If you enjoyed this post take an overgrown path to Tippett can still empty a concert hall


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